Thursday, February 27, 2014

What The World Needs- Love Challenge Week 3

This past week's challenge I found myself LOOKING, THINKING, and ASKING GOD, How can I show love? Not just in a way that was satisfying to me, but that actually was satisfying to the person who I was trying to show love to?
I am reminded of the Five Love Languages, coined by author Gary Chapman. The way my love needs are fulfilled are not the way the next person's need to be fulfilled. In examining how I was attempting to show love this week, I actually made some headway. The first thing I had to recognize was that love expressed may take some time. The longer you know a person, the more important it is to study out the ways you can appreciate them. Love should be tangible. It should be, like the image above, something you can get your hands around and "grasp", and it should be visible.
One of my best opportunities came with a co-worker. She had been having some serious medical problems and I had been agreeing with her in prayer. We were invited to a thank-you lunch, but because of her condition, she could not walk down to where the lunch was held. I went on to the lunch. As I was standing in line, I felt the presence of God, and the internal voice that resonated with this thought: take her lunch. It was simple, but it was perfect.
I asked the sponsors of the lunch if I could do just that, and I took the plate of food to her (up three flights of stairs). The look on her face was priceless. She said, No one had ever done that for her. I was so glad in that moment, that I had chosen to postpone my personal need to demonstrate kindness.
And I'm learning daily, that is what love does. It's puts others ahead, not necessarily to the detriment of one's self, but considering someone else in their time of need. Love doesn't have to be complicated, but it will take us out of our convenient places to serve someone else!
I've got two more days in this month to show love! I'd love to hear how God is challenging you!

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