Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Bitter Is NOT Your Destiny

Ruth 1:20-21
20 And she said to them, Call me not Naomi [pleasant]; call me Mara [bitter], for the Almighty has dealt very bitterly with me.
21 I went out full, but the Lord has brought me home again empty. Why call me Naomi, since the Lord has testified against me, and the Almighty has afflicted me?

There are times in our life, like Naomi, that we find ourselves in circumstances that leave a bitter taste in our mouth. It causes us to question whether God is afflicting us or whether we have done something to incur the experience or pain we feel. 
But as God simply put it to me today, "I never changed Naomi's name. I never changed her purpose. I never changed her destiny. She tried to change her own name based on her circumstances, but no one would agree with her." 
I thought that was a pretty powerful revelation. You see, those closest to Naomi chose not to agree with making a permanent change based on her emotions. Yes, Naomi had a right to grieve for her sons, and husband, but that did not change God's heart towards her. 

Neither her friends, nor Ruth, nor even Boaz ever referred to her by her feelings (Mara- bitter) but by her identity (Naomi- my pleasant one). That speaks volumes to me. 

You may be in a place that feels bitter, but in God's eyes, you are His pleasant one. The feelings will change, but your identity before God, as His pleasure will not. 
Had Naomi not been able to relinquish her season of bitter feelings, she may have not been in a position to see the open door of restoration before her through the union of Ruth and Boaz. She may have been too much "in her feelings" to discern an opportunity to secure the happiness of Ruth, a younger widow who had chosen to serve God and serve Naomi through her season of bitterness. 

In the end, God turned the bitter circumstance into a sweet spot. Naomi's family line was able to continue, their inheritance was restored and kept in their family line, and Naomi had life restored to her, nourishment in old age, and the love of Ruth, who was declared to be better than seven sons. 

I encourage you today to look beyond the pain you feel and see the pleasure that is ahead if you will not give up your hope in God. Yes, times may be hard, but weeping comes to an end. Seasons do change and God has not changed his mind about you! Bitter is not the end of your story or your destiny. 
It's time for God to turn the page in your life! Are you ready? You may have started out empty, but get ready for fullness of joy! Look up and see your opportunity to be restored!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Witnessing: The Hard Cases and Hard Questions

I recall a time in my life where I had the wonderful opportunity of taking the bus home from Tallahassee to Miami. At the time it was a 13 hour ride with many stops in towns I had never heard of, though I was a native Floridian.
I had thought that I was going to settle into an uneventful ride down and kick back and do some reading. But I was mistaken. I was politely interrupted by someone who had seen me open air preaching on FSU's campus. His name was Gregory and he was an atheist. Gregory had a few questions for me.
Gregory was from Guyana and had been raised by a Hindu father and Catholic mother. He had been exposed to both religions and felt confused and had no connection to either. He had come to college searching and had not expected to find someone talking about God out in the open. So he had some questions. It wasn't as if we were "in a hurry" so I was up for the challenge.
I said, "Ask me anything you want." I was not resting in my own knowledge, but I prayed that the Holy Spirit would answer him. Gregory asked me questions for 13 hours. Yep. Thirteen hours. He spent the entire ride drilling the Holy Spirit (because I am NOT that smart). The Holy Spirit had an answer, including verse and chapter for his questions.
Though our trip had to end, Gregory who was still not convinced kept in contact. The next semester of college, we continued to hang out. I joked with him about being Tiger Wood's twin because he looked so much like him. Gregory took a religion course the next semester (I had taken one previously) and began to study all the major religions in earnest and continued to ask the hard questions. He would also watch Benny Hinn and was intrigued by him. When Gregory ended that semester, he told me that he had decided to accept Christ as Lord and Savior.Part of that reason for receiving the Lord came from seeing Christianity come off the pages. Christianity was real because he began to see it lived out. He met more Christians, people who were not just throwing verses, but showing love.
He returned to Guyana but he left with concern in his heart that he would be facing angry parents. I prayed with him and continued to encourage him in his walk. After that semester, I did not see Gregory again. What I do know, is that Gregory taught me that it is not enough to know scripture or sling them at people. Scripture must take on skin- we must live them out. We must be ready to engage people and meet them where they are. I can know scripture and have no clue how to love people and it would be a total waste.
Some times we don't get a chance to see where our watering or planting goes. Some times we don't get the chance to see the increase. But don't stop witnessing.
Let God use you, even if the person seems like a "hard case".

An Outrageous Church has to remain ready to receive the Outrageous harvest that is coming!