Friday, August 19, 2011

Dear Young Minister

 I will be the first to admit that I'm not what one would call an "expert" in ministry, but having spent the past twelve years being involved in active ministry (from outreach to in-reach to curriculum planning to teaching to preaching), I would say I have developed a great deal of "in-the-ministry-training" from some of the best preachers, teachers, apostles, evangelists, and prophets the Ecclesiastical Body of Christ has to offer. In spite of this, I find myself coming across more and more young ministers who seem ill equipped to deal with the realities of ministry. Like Paul, I believe that until we leave this life, we all have to some degree a never ending process of growth and development that must occur. So, to encourage the young minister, I want to share 7 truths with you concerning this thing called ministry. There are many more, but I feel these are core truths that no matter what capacity you serve in, they can be applied to any area. 

1. Ministry is not to be entered into lightly. There are souls at stake, including your own. You will give account to God for how you handle the Word of God, whether deceitfully, in truth, out of envy, vain glory, etc. 

2. Ministry is about serving, not being served. This is the wrong field to enter if you are looking for a paycheck, kudos, get the point. To be a minister is to be the chief servant. You may come in last quite often in order to lead others to the feet of Jesus.

3. Ministry has great days, bad days, and ordinary days.  There will be times when you fell as if you really made an impact, times you may feel as if they just aren't getting it, and times as if nothing big is happening. Just know we walk by faith not by feelings. Trust God is working the change as you were obedient to deliver the message.

4. Ministry is not a place or a position, but an action. You "minister" beyond the pulpit. When you visit a school, hospital, offer a tissue to someone grieving, write a note of encouragement, you are ministering.

5. Ministry is a team effort, shared by both male and female. Some Jesus' strongest supporters (physically and financially) were women. Though you may bear the greater load as lead, you need a team to impart to and multiply the vision. The vision (which is the Gospel) should not stop if anything should happen to you.

6. Ministry begins with and flows out of relationship. Jesus didn't just perform miracles and lead the disciples with awe. They saw him weep, pray, eat, cast out demons, worship God in a hymn, call out the hypocrites, cook, etc. They saw him at "work" and "play". Ministry first flows out of your relationship with God and with your fellow man. Don't expect much ministry to happen when you don't take time to know those that labor among you.

7. Ministry requires you to do, live, and speak. You are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the earth. You are called to live the Truth. You are called to speak the truth, regardless of who it is. Know in advance that everyone will not receive you, but they are rejecting the message God gave. Jesus was received as a carpenter, Mary's baby, a teacher, the Son of the Living God. One thing about Jesus- he never forced anyone to accept what he KNEW he was. We still have a choice today to receive him as he really is. Isn't that awesome?

I hope you will search the scripture and see what it says concerning ministers and ministry. One last word of caution: Don't allow anyone to put you in a place of authority that you know you don't have the maturity for. Paul said, some ought to be teachers, but were immature and still repeating and re-learning the rudiments of the faith.  Then, there are those who are leading, that have the charisma, but lack the character and the Word of God to sustain the place of authority they have been given. I encourage you to be real with your shortcomings, your strengths, your weaknesses, and build yourself up on your most holy faith. The five-fold ministry is here to equip and mature you, but you have a personal responsibility to seek God and his purpose for yourself. Want to have Outrageous Church? Grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus!

Blessings & Church <3