Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Moving Beyond PTSD (Post Traumatic Sin Disorder)

Angry Saints. Bitter Believers. Yes, these are oxymorons according to the Word of God but unfortunately are all too real across the congragations of the world.The Holy Spirit calls it PTSD : Post Traumatic Sin Disorder. This disorder attacks those who have been attacked. The Holy Spirit spoke this to me earlier this evening:

The believers are suffering from PTSD (Post Traumatic Sin Disorder) If you don't forgive, anything will set you off and trigger that painful experience. You will continue to bleed because the offense is still fresh in mind. Forgive & Be HEALED!

There are many angry saints running rampant and ruining healthy relationships because they are still remembering what the last man, woman, church, or Pastor did. You can shout over, dance over, and preach over pain, but until you are healed, it will be hard to free others ♥ What good is loosing if I am only loosed to bite and devour? John 13:35 is still the plumbline for how unbelievers know the Church loves each other.

This disorder causes you to be ineffective in your witness and if you are a leader, ineffective in your ministry. Sadly, many new converts enter the idyllic scene of church only to find themselves in a war zone, with booby traps. These traps can range from sitting in the wrong seat, to reminding a person of a former member who left the church, to having gifts similar to another believer. This list of triggers for contention could go on and on. The new member who once was excited about the community of faith, now walks on eggshells in an effort to not "offend".

What does it stem from? Unforgiveness. As human beings we can be notorious for holding grudges or holding people to a standard that we ourselves could never measure up to. Rather than seeking the Balm of Gilead to be healed from these issues, we harbor bitterness and resentment, and then wait for the right moment to unleash our pent up frustrations. We leave people reeling, not knowing what hit them or why. It may have been something that happened years ago, but because we never let it go, it continues to color our experiences and perceptions of the fresh relationships that God wants to bring into our lives. Rather than embracing, we isolate. Rather than communicating, we whisper. Rather than welcoming, we turn a cold shoulder, holding over their heads "every hurt and harm ever committed against you".

I once had a student who hated me. They hated my instructions, directions, even the tone of my voice. They worked diligently to poison my relationships with new students and paint me in a negative light. We finally sat down and talked with a mediator present. What did it boil down to? I reminded her of someone who hurt her. Everytime she saw me, she saw them. She associated me with her pain. Once we were able to get past that, she began to recieve my words and teaching, went on to do well in the class, and I later wrote her college and scholarship recommendations. We still communicate today.

Do you really want to have Outrageous Church? Begin to forgive Outrageously. Be real with yourself about the areas you are hurting in. Have a cleansing cry if you need to. Don't keep it bottled up. Don't pour sour feelings into a fresh relationship. Ask God to forgive you for harboring unforgiveness and participating in the works that result from it. I guarantee that God will hear your honest prayer, and heal you. He will bind up the wounds and heal your broken heart. We must guard our hearts, but we must also hear God when He says, "Open Up and Let Me In."

Don't continue to drink the poison of unforgiveness. Be Healed and watch what God will do through your Wholeness!


Friday, October 21, 2011

Shine ON

This video is a little encouragement for those who are going through the storms of life. Know that God is in you and you shall not be moved! SHINE ON and let God shine His light in you! Want to have outrageous church? Give God an outrageous praise in the midst of your tests!


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Vision Casting or Rock Throwing?

In today's troubling society there is an express need for vision. This need is being expressed on everything from talk shows, to magazine articles, to political interviews. This is an era that has been marked by visionless, directionless leaders, stuck in the mantra of "this is the way it has always been done, and I'm not budging!" Well, as we have seen in recent months around the world, generation next (those 30 and under) are not only changing the tune, but they are changing the way leadership will be defined in the future. Through a series of bad decision-making and disregard for the opinions of the people, not to mention well-being, many young people have decided to take matters into their own hands, deciding that justice will be served or they will die fighting for it. The unrest that began on one side of the world has made rip tides in other areas, and is now hitting the good ole USA. So, what does this mean for leaders, in particular church leadership?

As a leader, you must have a vision, a defined plan from God for the people of God. It is not enough to hope that things fall into place. Too many times the words "Spirit-led" are used to brush over or ignore lack of preparation, slothfulness, idleness, and irreverence for the things of God. When questioned about these areas, many times leaders get defensive rather than pensive. A thoughtful evaluation of leadership practices can go a long way to renewing faith and to strengthening your relationship with the body. As Rick Warren stated, before you renew a program, you should ask yourself, is it working? Is it what my church needs?

Most leaders have yearly and quarterly meetings with their staff and some include the entire congregation. This is commonly called Vision Casting. This is a time where leaders can refresh themselves with the overall vision, look at areas of improvement, and areas of stagnancy as well as growth. Out of that Vision Casting, the plan for the upcoming year is laid out. This is a great way to involve your congregation so that they will own the vision God has placed within you and run with it.

Once the Vision is Cast, don't make the mistake of spending the year turning it into a rock-throwing session. What do I mean? If you are not careful as a leader, you can find yourself preaching about what isn't right or who isn't doing, rather than focusing on the Vision at hand. Your sermons become therapy sessions for you rather than an enriching and equipping time in the Word of God. There is a difference between making the text relevant and using impartation time to point the finger or publicly embarrass a member of the congregation. God has his eye on everything done in His house, and He's not laughing.

Though I am by no means an "expert", I have been on both sides of the fence as a minister and as a member. It is an uncomfortable feeling to sit through a sermon that is directed at someone and not directed at the issues we all face. As a minister, it can be tempting, to let someone have it when you have the mic, but I encourage you to be the bigger person. As you go before God in prayer, ask Him to give you a clear conscience, and help you to speak what ministers grace not gripe to the hearers. In doing so, you allow God to minister to you and to the congregation.

 Rock Throwing causes people to run for cover.Vision Casting causes people to be empowered. Thank God for counting you worthy, putting you into the ministry, allowing you to be a light. Keep empowering and watch what God will do through you!

Want to have Outrageous Church? Put your Outrageous Vision in God's hands!
