Friday, August 1, 2014

Equity In The Kingdom

May of 2014 God released a word over my life through an obedient brother the Lord: "God is giving you equity in the Kingdom."

In finance, in general, you can think of equity as ownership in any asset after all debts associated with that asset are paid off.

As I sought the Lord about that meaning, he expressed further detail:

I have given you assets in my Kingdom by grace. 
Many have tried to classify my assets in your life as liabilities. 
In doing so, they have created debts. 
There is a debt to repent, to repay, to restore, and to retract the liability from your life.
I am paying off all debts associated with your equity. 
Your value will no longer be obscured.
It will no longer be devalued. 
All debts associated with your life will be paid. 
You will owe no man but to love them.

Since that Word was spoken, I am SEEING God establish his equity. I pray that he would do the same for you! May you wait on the Lord and truly see how he will add value and remove that which has obscured the value of who you are! 

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