Tuesday, August 21, 2012

From Visioneering to Volunteering

32 Now Judas and Silas, themselves being prophets also, exhorted and strengthened the brethren with many words. 33 And after they had stayed there for a time, they were sent back with greetings from the brethren to the apostles.34 However, it seemed good to Silas to remain there.] 35 Paul and Barnabas also remained in Antioch, teaching and preaching the word of the Lord, with many others also.
Acts 15:32-35 NKJV


Churches are organizations primarily staffed by volunteers. Organizations staffed by volunteers require the most leadership of any group. As such, you must have good leaders. Most of the volunteer's incentive second to feeling called to a particular area of ministry, comes through the vision of the leadership and the level of enthusiasm and clarity in which it is presented. Most leaders consistently report the Parieto Principle as common: 20% of the membership or partners in their local church body does 80% of the work. So, why don't more people serve? The reasons below may not be what we want to hear, but if we will see change, we must deal with them. 

1. No one has asked them. I have come across many who hesitate to "infringe" on someone else's territory, and so they wait until they are asked before they will serve.

2. Fear of responsibility. Worrying about over committing, they do nothing. 

3. Suffering from Burnout. These are those who may have served in many areas of leadership for years as the 20% who now feel the need to simply rest and be fed and let someone else take the reigns. They may be new to your ministry and may have played an active, foundational role in a previous ministry.

4. Political Wrangling. There may be "pillars" in the ministry who are unwilling to change, share responsibilities with new volunteer, or receive fresh ideas. They use intimidation and bullying which new volunteers will not want to be apart of, keeping their area of ministry status-quota and keeping new volunteers out.

5. Ignorance of Biblical Paradigm for Ministry.  The priesthood of the Believer must be modeled. (Ephesians 4:11-12). God has given every Believer at least one spiritual gift, and he has given us all to be evangelists through the ministry of reconciliation. If you have been taught that you are supposed to come hear the preacher and that is it, then you would not see a need to supply or apply yourself to the service of the house of the Lord.

6. Personal Busyness. Many are simply preoccupied with their own personal agendas. Many play defense with their calendars and are not willing to give up leisure pursuits or time in order to meet a need in the house of the Lord. The ultimate loses out to immediate pleasures. As a single person, the time you give to the Lord is invaluable and is commended (1 Cor 7).

7. Feelings of Inadequacy. May may feel untrained, ill-equipped, or not gifted enough in an area to serve. If you are in a ministry that demands an audition for any place in the ministry, you can walk away feeling inadequate. This can turn many away feeling unqualified to serve in the house of the Lord. I have met many gifted, qualified, rude servants in the House. Our heart and character should be as excellent as the works of our hands.

8. Uninformed. Many leaders simply assume people know what opportunities to serve exist within a ministry. Put it in writing. Put the contact person, and minimum skills required to serve, whether training will be offered or required, and the amount of hours involved on average in serving in an area of ministry, and meeting days, times, places. These are necessary. There is nothing like trying to get involved and you are not offered the basics.

9. Personal Detachment. It is very hard to serve when you do not own the cause, the vision, or the ministry. Many cannot see the "big" picture or catch the vision if it has not been Cast well. 

10. Lovers of Self more than Lovers of God. Some simply do not desire to serve because it brings no attention to them, to their personal ambitions. If there is no personal benefit, then you cannot count on them to participate, lend their hand to it, or even notify their sphere of influence. 

Know that these are the reasons the Lord pointed out to me, and I am sure you have a few of your own. I've been serving in ministry in some capacity or another for the last 15 years and these have been the most common reasons I've personally seen, experienced, or felt the impact of when serving in ministry. 

So...what can be done to Mobilize and Motivate those who simply want to be the "Invisible Few in the Last Pew, Who walk out the door, finding Nothing to Do?"

Here are a few things that I know work, that I have seen as effective in ministry. 

1. Contact New People within the First 48HRS. The technological world has really taken away most excuses for connecting with people. You can call, email,text, FB, Twitter, Skype and set up a time to meet with new people, or send them an e-flyer of ways to get involved in serving. I like face-to-face, others like social networking. The point is to connect.

2.  Offering Hands-on Training. Model Servant Leadership. Very few people woke up as geniuses with a natural aptitude for what they do. Somebody trained you, so reciprocate by training others.

3. Match ministry opportunities with spiritual gifts.  There are many free spiritual gifts assessments online for those who have not really examined what they are good at, or where there strengths are. You may be used to doing something (i.e. organizing for everyone around you) that may turn out to be a spiritual gift (administration). For example, if you write music and original songs, you could volunteer to put songs up for praise and worship, but you gift would be best put to use by working with the Praise and Worship Leader, Minister of Music, in writing fresh, Biblical music for the team. You should desire your best and highest use in serving.

4. Publicize and Keep Ministry Opportunities Up to Date. If a ministry opportunity has been filled, it should not be announced as still open. Here is my pet peeve: DO NOT say you want volunteers for places in ministry and when volunteers show up, you make excuses not to Utilize them. This is called false advertising and happens quite a bit in religious circles. We should be specific about what kind of volunteer we are looking for and we should be honest if we are only looking for people we like, who look like us,are our personal friends, or family to fill a role. We should not label that as "volunteer needed" positions. 

5. Make ministry involvement a part of Partnership or Membership. It should be understood that all hands are needed on deck in order to fulfill the vision of the House. Those who hesitate to get involved should be asked why. It may be one of the 10 reasons above.

6. Create Entry-level positions. For example, if I am new to Sound & Media, I should have some training, and if I am completely green, I should start out with minimal responsibility and maximum encouragement. You do not want to set anyone up to fail. Placing me as an observer in different sections of  Sound and Media with the ability to watch and learn how to problem solve allows me to get comfortable in the environment and see how my training is applied in the field (i.e. Sunday or Mid-week service).

7. Teach and Vision Cast. Rehearse the Vision, write the vision, post the vision, hand out vision cards, print vision shirts, and incorporate the Vision principles into your message. Teach, teach, teach, the Vision of the House. Emphasize that EVERYONE has a gift to use, and all are important to Christ and what he wants to do in your part of the world through your assembly of believers. (See our initial scripture)

8. Develop Realistic Commitment Blocks of Time so there is Balance. People need to be able to share the burden or the load. Never give one person the ability to sink the ship if they cannot have their way. I recommend 3 leaders sharing leadership (a 3-fold chord is not easily broken). Our Natural Government does this (Legislative, Judicial, Executive) and God does as well (Father, Son, Holy Spirit). Many churches have suffered from the "superstar" syndrome. People should be able to enjoy their family time, take vacations, and not feel "controlled"  while serving in ministry. One helpful way to do this is alternating blocks of time (ex. serving for  3 months) or days of the week. I believe cross-training individuals also helps so that those serving embrace growth and change and can fill in if emergencies occur.

9. Rotate Positions to Make Room for New People. If I never gain experience in an area, how can I be expected to perform as well as someone who has had 10, 15, 20 years of consecutive service? The answer is, I cannot. This often becomes the bane of your existence for someone trying to fill the shoes of someone who has gone on to be with the Lord, who has moved away, who has decided to resign from their position and wants to see what you can do (but mind you they did not train you). I can talk about it because I have been there! It is not the BEST way to learn. So, rotate, Leaders, Rotate! Apprentice new people so that when a changing of the guard occurs, you are not starting from scratch. You will save your ministry a LOT of headaches in the process.

10. Applaud EVERYONE who is making a difference in your ministry. Often times we fail epically at this as the Body of Christ. We might give more praise to our "besties" or our family members, but the person who comes every Sunday, on-time to open the sanctuary is just as important as the person who comes in five minutes before service and has everyone laid out with their angelic voice. I'm telling you, THIS IS HUGE with GOD. Be thankful for those out-front, behind the scenes, online members and givers, and all those Interceding for you. You can never be TOO THANKFUL. 

As you think on these things, I would love to hear how you are implementing them and what has been the impact in your life and ministry. I challenge you if you are a Pastor, or Senior Leader to poll your ministry and ask them to assess you in these areas. May you go, and grow to become the Outrageous Change Agents that God wants to use in the Earth.

I'm counting on it!

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