I want to be obedient to the heavenly call. Most of us who say we love God really do want that. But we struggle. We struggle with what we see as the Mass Market Appeal Jesus, the 'televised' and polished Jesus, and the very Personal Jesus. In my prayer time today, God highlighted some things. I found it refreshing to see the same theme throughout the Body of Christ today: God is personal.
The Mass Market Jesus is the one who fed 5,000.
The Personal Jesus is the one who asks you for drink at a well in the heat of the day at the darkest and most shameful moment of your life.
The Mass Market Jesus feeds us. The Personal Jesus is refreshed by us.
The Personal Jesus is
the One we seek out in private
the One we ask questions of
the One whose feet we sit at
The One who we complain to about not having enough help
the One whose feet we don't mind kissing
The Mass Market Healed all.
The Personal Jesus asks will you be made WHOLE?
The Mass Market Jesus draws crowds,
The Personal Jesus draws disciples.
One draws the multitudes,
The other many will no longer follow
when he says, Eat my flesh, Drink my blood.
The Mass Market Jesus loves all,
The Personal Jesus hates sin.
The Mass Market Jesus eats at tables with sinners.
The Personal Jesus turns over religious tables.
The Mass Market Jesus died for us
The Personal Jesus died for you.
He speaks in his pain, offers personal salvation to you
the guilty who deserved death.
He sees you on Your Cross,
bearing your sin, and says,
I'll take that too.
Sin? I'll have what you're having.
Disease? I'll take that.
Sorrow? No problem.
Abandonment? I've got it covered.
Fear? I'll shoulder that.
Decay? I'll make sure you can live again.
The Mass Market Jesus will never be rejected by the wider audience.
The Personal Jesus will always be rejected by those
who refuse to die.
Who is Jesus to you?
Personal? Or is He simply
The Man with
Mass Market Appeal?
He's not a product, but He is ready to produce
the fruit of His Personal Glory in your Story.
(c) 2014 SAC