What is going on in the good ole USA? How can we interpret our current world and national church issues in light of scripture? This was my prayer recently before the Lord. As a Christian and as an American and as a Woman, and as a person of African descent, I am troubled by the direction our country is happily dancing towards.
As I was praying, the Lord brought two scripture texts before me to read: Isaiah 30, and Ezekiel 13. He said, "This is where we (as a people ) are. If we want to have outrageous church, we should be outrageously honest about the State of the Union and the state of the Body of Christ. I won't go into the Biblical text here because I want you to read it for yourself. Ask God to confirm His Word, indeed, he is already doing so, through ministries like EX Ministries and Jonas Clark Ministries. God is speaking this Word so that we will not be surprised. I will do as he instructed the prophets of old: to write it down, put it in a book (Isaiah 30:8).
So, I'll give it to you straight, no chaser:
Many are prophesying out of their mind and heart, and following their own spirit
Many see lying falsehoods and lying divination
Many have spoken empty, false, and words of delusion
Many are operating in a seducing spirit, promising peace, especially to Israel, when there is no peace
Many are making men to hope and hope for a word to come and confirm a false word they have given
We (the American Church) have not gone up into the gaps and breeches as we should
We have not built a wall of intercession to stand in the battle in the day of the Lord
We have built a flimsy wall and daub it, coat it with false words thinking that it will hold
The Lord will send an overwhelming rain, hailstones, and violent winds even of His Spirit, will come to tear down these false walls. People are in prayer, but they are not praying the prayer of intercession but the gospel of bless me, give me, enlarge me
God is coming to deal with the builders of false walls, walls of intercession that do not cover, and that do not build the Believer. He will bring it down, He will expose the foundations of it, and those who built it, God says they will perish along with what they built. Woe to the Women Prophets who create deceptions and merchandise to capture humanity.
Why is this happening? Because you profane me for handfuls of barley and pieces of bread, slaying those who should not die, and giving life to those who should not live by your lies (Ezekiel 13). Much LYING has been told to the people of God and underhanded payments to keep the "sheep" marching to the slaughter. God is coming for those whose palms are greased with filthy lucre.
With LIES you have made the righteous sad and disheartened, strengthening the hands of the wicked that he should NOT return (turn away from wickedness) because the false prophets have promised the wicked life.
Even now your nation (USA) seeks to align itself with Egypt, much like the children of Israel. (Isaiah 30) You carry the riches off to a people that cannot and will not profit. You attempt to trust in the shadow of Egypt.
Even now, those who are aligned with Egypt (naturally and spiritually) say to the Seers, "Don't SEE! Prophesy to us illusions, smooth sayings. Cease holding up the HOLY ONE in front of us!Get out of the way of righteousness!"
As the days continue, we will see more of this attitude unfold. You will see the apostate church grow, and you will be forced to raise up a standard or be drawn into the parade of ungodliness and compromise. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. We will take our stand on the wall, and join with others who will intercede, and pray, and follow the instructions of the Lord. The time is coming when no man can work. We must utilize the time we have to spread the Gospel. When the enemy comes in, LIKE A FLOOD the SPIRIT of the LORD will lift up a standard against Him. I encourage you to seek the Lord. He needs an outrageous Church to carry the Gospel without compromise!